That’s a wrap on Midnight Syndicate Live! Legacy of Shadows at HalloWeekends 2014!
Wow. What can we say except for a huge THANK YOU! We are so happy to be able to report that Midnight Syndicate...
Midnight Syndicate Halloween Music – Gothic Horror Fantasy Instrumental Soundtracks
Gothic Fantasy Horror Instrumental Music by Midnight Syndicate
Wow. What can we say except for a huge THANK YOU! We are so happy to be able to report that Midnight Syndicate...
Come play with us… at Cedar Point’s HalloWeekends. Midnight Syndicate Live! opens TONIGHT and runs every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from now until November 1st....
So opening night is tomorrow! Things will be a bit crazy so we’ll be taking to Twitter with any updates (follow us www.twitter.com/midsyndicate)...
The countdown continues… Cedar Point has just posted its first trailer for HalloWeekends 2014, featuring Midnight Syndicate Live! The multimedia Halloween concert runs...
Production on Midnight Syndicate Live! Legacy of Shadows (coming to Cedar Point‘s HalloWeekends this fall) is well underway. Sneak peek photos from the...